Thursday, July 24, 2008

Silent Blog

Life has been busy here, but I am sorry about the blog silence.Even now I'm typing over the baby. :)

Since my last post, Little'Un has been born,

my parents came out,

we've moved, Eric finished collecting his data, and he finally got his first ever full-time job. It's his first job that has even included benefits!

You can imagine that we're feeling pretty good, though there have been a couple hitches. But the girls are cute and both are getting stronger and smarter every day!

(This photo is of Little'Un, with a photo of Sweetie held next to her.)

I have been knitting, mostly for Little'Un's bum, though I have started my very first sweater for myself! No pics of that, as yet, but here is one more cute one:

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Hooray for the blog update! Great photos, and congrats on the new house, new job, benefits, and first sweater for yourself.

OMG, you look JUST like your mom!!!
You're definitely cuter than your mom. . . and nicer than your dad.

Bless your heart,

Grandma No-No
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